Friday, December 14, 2007

Guest Poster/Adam is Currently Busy Brooding

Hi's Lyle, you know, Claire's younger brother. You may be wondering, what am I doing here on an evil guy's blog? Well, I'm here to tell you, he's not evil? He's just misunderstood, like me. Ok he told me not to talk about myself too much so I'll just get straight to the point. He kinda like, when I was surfing the web and hacking stuff? Anyway it was a couple months ago and there was a message in my dad's mailbox and since no one ever tells me anything I kinda opened it and there was like a message from this guy Adam Monroe in it. I thought he seemed like someone I could trust, so I started talking and telling him about my life because I'm lonely and bored and he listens to me because he understands me and he's just a nice guy with no ulterior motives. To make a long story short we're homies now or something and he trusts me with things like this.

What exactly is things like this, you ask? Well, I'm supposed to do stuff for him in case he's like stuck in a box and going insane or something. I thought I should tell you guys that? Because when I like ran home to my computer after school the other day, I found a message from him telling me what to do. So that's what I'm doing. And maybe I'll post some stuff about myself here, too, if he lets me, because I have no one to talk to and I need somewhere to unload, you know, release all my inner feelings. I mean I have problems too, you know, does anyone care how I felt when I made the basketball team, or when I saw my dad come back from the dead? No? Well, that's all right too I yeah, that's it for now, and...back to the school again, I guess. That's where I sleep.

Love, Linus...Luke? I dunno, sometimes even I forget my own name...


Sylar said...

I'll remember your name if you'll sit on Santa Sylar's lap.

Heidi Petrelli said...

You need to find friends that are your own age.
I would never let my sons post on strangers blogs or e-mail them!

Adam Monroe said...

Get your own blog, Laertes.

Oh, and you're going to that Christmas party, right?

Heidi Petrelli said...

Hi Adam,see you came to the party!
Btw, I think Noah was an undercover agent at my high school. Like Johnny Depp in that show '21 Jump Street'
Hm,maybe that is why they had him leave.

Claire B said...

OMG Linus you are SO stupid! Daddy told us never to talk to people we don't know on the internet! At least, he told me...

Adam Monroe said...

Shut up Claire!


Heidi Petrelli said...

Don't talk that way to your sister!