Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Ten Brides of Takezo Kensei

I just woke up from the most horrible dream... In it, I was trapped in a narrow, dark space while being taunted by demons who were infinitely sexier than me. It was ridiculous, of course. No one is sexier than me. Except for…nevermind.

Anyway, the worst part of this dream was not the utter mediocrity of it all, it was the bit where I was slowly going batshit insane. Whew! Good thing that can't happen in real life, right? My mind just heals itself of all insanity. Although certain people would beg to differ, it would seem. (I never trust polls anyway)

So apparently, according to this week's graphic novel, I like women. A lot. When I'm not brooding over Hiro Nakamura, that is. Oh, and Nikki and I might be related.


It seems that some people had got the idea that I was gay, well that is completely untrue and the above novel proves it. I'll take either gender, really, I'm not sexist. "Ten Brides" doesn't even begin to cover...nevermind.

Anyway, I guess my cunning prettiness is not to be wasted in solitary confinement for long, if my hope is not purely imaginary. I AM still pretty, right? Right?

....I'm almost at my limit. Hurry up, Peter.


Heidi Petrelli said...

I tell you everyone except me is related to each other Adam.
My New Year's Eve was weird. I think Nathan visited and he fought with Peter. I think..

Niki Sanders said...


Adam Monroe said...

Hey babe...I mean, person who might be related to me.