Friday, November 23, 2007

Warning: Evil Paper Company!

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A little over six months ago, I escaped from Company clutches with my new BFF. The first thing I did was eat a sandwich. They didn't even feed me over at the Company, they just forgot about me after a while...and believe me, it's not something I'm the type to forget. Be sure to read more about what I've been up to post-incarceration here.

And yes, before you ask, I did try seducing Bob. Didn't work...I quickly gave it up, turns out nothing could tempt me into becoming THAT desperate.

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I did start on his daughter, though...a desperate moment if ever there was one. Needless to say, it ended badly. Pity...she was cute for a Company rat and a psycho. What can I say, it can get pretty lonely in a holding cell....and it would have been a lot less squicky if I hadn't watched her grow up. I suppose loneliness is the price you pay for eternal youth.

I'm trying to bring down this Company, but one of my followers has been compromised. So if you are looking for revenge, and have no problem with killing people, I have a spot open for you. Time's running short, however, so don't dally...please bump off Bob Bishop immediately.


Mr. Bennet said...

I know what that's like....not the seducing Bob part, the evil paper company part.

West said...

I'll help you kill this Bob guy. He's the one who made that trigger-happy Indian kill Claire's dad, and killing him should cheer up my snookie-wookie Claire Bear.